Sunday, July 19, 2009

July 18 and July 19- First day in Guangzhou

Well we had a fun day yesterday, but we were just tootired to write We went to have Amie's medical exam done and to take her visa photos. The medical exam is required as part of the adoption process, Amie is a very healthy baby!! She is 17.1 lbs and 28 inches tall. We saw three different doctors and everyone said she is "normal". Never thought "normal" would be so good!!

The photo for our visa is so cute- Amie has a great smile!! We took the photo in a little shop. Right next door at a little booth shop keepers are letting parents borrow strollers, for free, and for as long as your are visiting. Putting Amie in it for the first time was very interesting. She has never been in a stroller before. She whimpered at first and we took her out. A few minutes later after she saw all her buddies enjoying their strollers she settled in. She still would rather be carried than strolled. My arms are sure getting a work out.

Yesterday afternoon we took Amie for a dip in the pool. It was lovely. The White Swan Hotel has a beautiful pool right by the Pearl River which is the third longest in China. Amie really took to the water- she even managed to drink a large mouthful! After the pool Bill took her to the room for a nap and I went to finish up the paperwork. Boy, am I glad to get rid of that beast of paperwork!!

We ate dinner at the Famous Lucy's Restaurant. The food is good ol'American fair. Hamburgers, and Apple Pie. We then went shopping and we will do more shopping later this afternoon.

So today we went to visit the Guangzhou Folk Art Museum- or aka Chen Ancestral Hall. Chen is a Chinese last name that is very common like Smith, Brown or Johnson. The museum was beautiful. The detail in the Hall was just incredible. We got to see artwork from local master artist. I just loved the embroidery- it looked three dimensional and also like someone painted it b/c it gave you the illusion of brush strokes.


  1. Glad you made it safely! Your mom and Kate are coming over for dinner tomorrow (Monday) night. Enjoy your last few days in China!
    We can't wait to see you all!!

  2. Ditto from the Hayes! We are looking forward to hanging out with Penny & Kate tomorrow and chatting about you guys!! xoxo
