Our first full week home has been so exciting and things are going just great. We are finally unpacked and over the jet lag. Amie is sleeping soundly through each night. She has started to eat baby food and we are working on her fiber intake. Both Grandmothers have visited to a smiling baby and we have videoconferenced with Grandpa and Grandma Sharon in Chicago.
Amie biggest challenge is the car seat. She just doesn't like it after a short time. We are doing nightly walks around the neighborhood in the stroller which is progressively getting her more comfortable with the seat restraint concept. We made it only about 100 yards on our first walk. Now, we are can do about half mile and make it to the playground and pool.
She is crawling fast now around the house and exploring. Kate is really helping during play time and does a great puppet show from behind the couch. They both love dancing to the toy piano music. Kate likes to dress just like her sister.
We have recieved so much love and support from our friends and family. Thanks to everyone.